Submit a Photo or Video to the Native Garden Library

In the spirit of OUTSIDE Collab, we invite you to become part of our Native & Florida Friendly Garden Library by sharing your inspirational photos and videos. Whether it’s a project you’ve contributed to or simply a breathtaking landscape that caught your eye, your stories are welcome here. Please note, that at the current stage, we're accepting only one photo per submission. If you wish to share multiple perspectives, we encourage you to make additional submissions.

What are you submitting?
Upload a high-quality photo with a minimum file size of 250kb and a maximum size of 500mb. Please provide a photo of a native, natural or Florida friendly landscape.
Upload a high-quality video to YouTube and provide the direct link to the video. Please provide a video of a native, natural or Florida friendly landscape.

Add a photo below for your video's thumbnail image. This is required to submit your video and will be shown in the gallery. Thumbnail photos require a minimum file size of 250kb and a maximum size of 500mb.

Photo Upload * required

Required upload size: .125MB - 104.86MB

The location the image/video was taken.

The following fields will be used to attribute your photo/video and displayed in our gallery images.

Media Release