July 2020

It takes a state: Collaboration is key to the future water supply

Florida is the third most populous state in the United States (21.5 million in 2019) with an increasing demand for water for an ever-growing population. According to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), “Water conservation is the most important action we can take to sustain our water supplies, meet future needs and reduce demands on Florida’s water-dependent ecosystems such as springs, rivers, lakes, and wetlands."
June 2020

Notable Project Submission: Wilson’s Landing Bioretention Garden

Wilson’s Landing Park created a "bioretention" area which reduces erosion and also collects and treats the stormwater runoff from the park. It is located in northwest Seminole County, adjacent to the Wekiva River. It is a part of the Wekiva River Recharge Area, Wekiva River Riparian Habitat Protection Zone, and Wekiva River Protection Area.
April 2020

Designing an end to a toxic American obsession: The Lawn

SUMMARY: With American residential lawns totaling over 49,000 square miles, environmental scientists and landscape architects are looking toward turning lawns into “miniature modular bio-reserves.” These wildlife gardens have the ability to develop biodiversity while simultaneously reducing water, petrol, and lawn […]
February 2020

Chris Hite: “Here are 5 things you should do to become a thought leader in your industry”

I had the pleasure to interview Chris Hite, CEO of Dix.Hite + Partners. Co-founder of the firm Dix.Hite + Partners in 1996, Chris has helped define the 35-person firm with offices in Florida, Georgia and Alabama as a landscape architecture and land […]