October 2021

VIDEO: The Edge at Cherrylake

What if we could change the traditional landscape by creating beautiful landscapes that require minimal water and maintenance, as well as increasing the biodiversity in the area? Cherrylake’s goal is to provide a solution to that question. For their current project, The Edge, Cherrylake is partnering with OUTSIDE Collab to gain support and knowledge from universities, legislative leaders, home gardeners, and Florida native and Florida friendly plant specialists to create an edge along the perimeter of their farm.
September 2021

Stewarding Preserved Natural and Mitigation Lands Within Developed Areas

While in the midst of another development boom, now is a good time to think proactively about long-term stewardship of common areas preserved to meet current local, state, and federal stormwater, land development, and environmental regulations.
August 2021

Green Isle Gardens

Here I am, sitting on my back patio enjoying a cool refreshment after a long, hot day in Florida’s early September sun. As I sit here, I can’t help but notice all of the fluttering in my backyard plantings. There is so much life: zebra longwings and zebra swallowtails, monarchs, Gulf fritillaries, and a few Sulphurs too.
July 2021

OUTSIDE 2021 Tour Series: University of North Florida

The pristine biodiversity of the University of North Florida’s (UNF) outer natural areas, together with the positive development of the more designed inner campus gardens, benefit all: students, faculty, staff, and the general public. Because of UNF, the environment is also benefiting through the conservation of natural systems and by the educational aspect of the inner campus built gardens.
June 2021

Biodiversity as a Guidepost for Outdoor Development

When thinking about what we need to do to address the global biodiversity crisis, chances are the urban landscape is not the first thing that comes to mind. The best way to slowdown species loss is to protect natural areas. In fact, all the bold, ambitious plans to address biodiversity loss propose setting aside and managing large tracts of natural land where species can continue to thrive.
May 2021

OUTSIDE 2021 Tour Series: Residential Native Plant Landscapes Inside a Managed Community Tour

On May 21st, 2021, OUTSIDE Collab hosted a tour at The Villages, located in Central Florida, showcasing Residential Native Plant Landscapes Inside a Managed Community. This self-guided tour allowed attendees to experience tangible examples of native plants and sustainable landscapes that could be replicated across the State, as well as the opportunity to ask questions from experts in the industry.
April 2021

OUTSIDE 2021 Tour Series: The Florida Scrub-Jay Trail and Native Nurseries Tour

On April 16th, 2021, OUTSIDE Collab hosted its first Spring Tour at the Florida Scrub-Jay Trail, Enviro-Pro Tree Farm, and Green Isle Gardens in Groveland, FL. The tour focused heavily on native plant ecology, exploring the interplay between native plants and wildlife, as well as the link between habitat restoration and native nursery production.
March 2021

Notable Project Submission: Columbus Drive Sustainable Streetscape, Self-Watering Tree Wells

While attending an ISA Arborist seminar – I heard the words often: “If you can manage the water, you can manage the trees.” That overriding arc of thought became the basis for this urban design, sustainable streetscape concept.